Public sector is one of the strong backbones for the survival and growth of any economy and CR2 has made its full capacity to deliver the need for electronic means of governance for any government bodies and departments. We have made use of Information and Communication Technologies and its integration with GPS, GPRS, and Social Media and like technologies to meet current challenges in the public sector to further enhance the work efficiency and effectiveness of government organization.
Under the National e Governance Plan (NEGP), Govt. of India has its objective to "Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery outlets, and ensure efficiency, transparency, and reliability of such services at affordable costs to realize the basic needs of the common man." We as the committed citizen and critical economic entity of nation have placed our extensive experience in small to large scale e-governance projects. Our solution offers scalability, reliability and transparency which help government and public sector enterprises to provide accountable and judicious public utility services. CR2 has approached to work toward the Mission Mode Projects (MMP) and developed best in infrastructure and service delivery channel to take part in the implementation of NEGP program of the government.
CR2 has leveraged the strong edge in e-Governance by capturing the need of various local and national government bodies. We deliver e-Governance as a basic means of communication medium between Government and Citizens which is known as G2C besides Government and businesses known as G2B. Our solution also focus toward inter-departmental as well as inter-departmental need of government organization for the smooth interaction between government and its employees which is known as G2E and between two different government bodies/department/agencies knows as G2G interaction. We help government in making right governance and institutional mechanism by setting up its core infrastructure needs, implementation of prime policies and key projects of national importance.