Are you aware how much capital is tied up unnecessarily in maintaining stocks of items which may be non-moving or slow-moving?
On an average, inventories are 60 % of the current assets in any institutional or industrial unit. Because of a large size of inventories maintained by them, a considerable amount of fund is locked up. It is, therefore, required to manage the same efficiently & effectively in order to avoid unnecessary investment. An institute neglecting the inventory management may fail ultimately. It is possible for an institute to reduce its level of inventories to a considerable degree, e.g. 10 to 20 per cent, without any adverse effect on the smooth working, by using simple inventory planning and control techniques. The reduction in inventories carries a favorable impact on the working of the institute. Maintaining inventories involve in locking up of the institute’s funds and incurrence of huge storage and handling costs. Both excessive & inadequate inventories are not desirable. The institute should always avoid a situation of over investment or underinvestment.
Supplies or stores and spares play a major role in the inventory management of SME organizations/institutes. Supplies include office & plant cleaning materials like soap, brooms, oil, fuel light bulbs etc. Though these materials do not directly enter into production, but they are necessary for smooth production process. The carrying costs, such as the costs of storage, handling, insurance, recording & inspection, also increase the cost of the inventory.
inventoman® an integrated package of software to monitor the quantity, quality, location & status of inventory.
inventoman® relies upon barcodes & photographs to provide automatic identification of items in stock. To record an inventory transaction, the system uses a bar code scanner to automatically identify the stock item.
inventoman® is a real time & on line Inventory Control System. Efficient Inventory Control Method allows you to have the right amount of stock in the right place at the right time.
inventoman® helps you in knowing what you have, where it has been lying & how much it is worth ?
inventoman® is a powerful and yet a simple tool to manage your optimum inventory level.
inventoman® ensure supervision of supply, storage and accessibility to see an adequate supply without excessive or over supply.
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