docManager® - Best Document Management Software India | Best Document Management Software solutions
Statistics by Gartner Group :
- Most office workers lose up to 500 hours a year, looking for documents.
- On average, professionals spend 50% of their time looking for information.
- The average organization:
- Spends $20 in labor to file each document.
- Spends $120 in labor finding each misfiled document.
- Loses 1 out of every 20 documents.
- Spends 25 hours re-creating each lost document
What is docManager® Document Management Software?
In this modern era, the solution for such task is docManager®, docManager is a document management system used to store or archive, track or retrieve & manage the pile of documents. It comprises of keeping version control of documents & track history about the document modifications, Get your free demo today
For the free docManager® demo today fill up the contact form, Click Here : Contact Form For Demo
The solution for above is docManager® Document Management Software with following features:
- STORAGE LOCATION: The documents can be stored centrally in a systematic way, so that it can be
retrieved whenever required.
- CHECK-IN / CHECK-OUT: This helps in Version Controlling the documents during simultaneous
- LOCKING / UNLOCKING: This Locks the document access for the other user but will be viewed
by the owner using docManager® Document Management Software.
- Tagging the Document
- Commenting the Document
- Email Notification
- Stamps & Signature
For the free demo today fill up the contact form Contact Form For Demo
- SEARCH: Find documents and files in seconds with docManager® document management system.
- SHARE: Allow more than one user to view the documents at same time with docManager® Document Management Software.
- VERSION CONTROL: Version control gives you the ability to manage document change and revision. done for particular documents. Contact us today for the free demo Contact Form For Demo
- AUDIT: Verify who viewed and made updates to the documents.
- ARCHIVING: Automatically archive the documents which are not in use after its expiration.
- DOCUMENT CAPTURE & MANAGEMENT : Centralize paper documents & electronic files and access them with one familiar interface from all work stations in your office
- DOCUMENT SECURITY: Extremely flexible user and group based security along with many system
level rights .User and Folder based ‘Ownership Overrides’ allow administrators to retain ownership
of documents for specified users or folders. Separate export rights prevent unauthorized export of
information out of system using docManager® Document Management Software.
Use of DRM (Digital Rights Management) to secure Documents.
- ACTIVE DIRECTORY INTEGRATION: Integration with Microsoft Active Directory allows users to
login to Docs-vault using their Windows login name and password eliminating the need for
remembering separate passwords using docManager® best Document Management Software.
- BUILT-IN REPORTS: Powerful built-in reports are available for Administrator to get insight and
useful data related to documents, users and other important business processes in our cloud based Document Management Software.
- WORKFLOW: Replicate your document centric business processes to make them more streamlined,more accurate and less time consuming. Automate repeatable processes like account payable, leave applications, order processing, purchase authorizations, etc with docManager® Document Management Software.
- WORKFLOW HIERARCHY MANAGEMENT : Manage documents viewing and editing rights,
according to the hierarchy followed in your organisation. Add / Remove members in the
departments for managing workflow in the organisation using our cloud based best document management software.
- DOCUMENT RELATIONS: Users can set many-to-many relations between documents. Document
Relations allow grouping and easy access of documents filed in different locations throughout the
Repository using our Document Management Software.
For the free demo today fill up the contact form Contact Form For Demo
- RECORDS RETENTION MODULE : Create retention policies for different types of documents and dispose them in accordance with local laws and industry standards. Manage the entire life cycle of physical records and digital documents – from its safe storage, classification, circulation to its final authorized disposition using docManager® Document Management Software.
- PERSONAL USER WORKSPACES : Quickly access your recently accessed, checked out, imported and created documents as well as your favourite files and folders.
- DOCUMENT PREVIEWS : Preview contents of all common file formats (Word, Excel, Emails, Tiff, PDF, images, Audio, Video) without their native applications using our Document Management Software
- docManager® IS FOR EVERYONE : docManager® is Best document management system companies in india for Home, Personal, Enterprise, Small Business, Accountants, Legal files of Law firms offices, Education, government, medical hospital health care industry, and Many More Thus we have all the document management system software for all the kind of user contact us today for reviews and demo. Look no further for more document management system software companies make your office paperless today by using docManager , For the free demo today fill up the contact form Contact Form For Demo
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