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Glossary : Starting from M

M-learning (mobile learning)

Learning that takes place via such wireless devices as cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), or laptop computers.


A periodical that is published by a commercial publishing house. They often cover multiple topics in one issue.


The strictest meaning refers to a document of any kind that is handwritten. The term may also refer to the handwritten or typescript copy of the text of a music or literary composition before it is printed for publication.


A MARC record is a MA chine-Readable Cataloging record.

MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging)

A standardized format developed by the Library of Congress for identifying all elements of bibliographic information of a cataloging record so that each element can be uniquely recognized and manipulated by a computer. The format facilitated storage, retrieval, and editing of bibliographic records by an automated system.

MARC 21 (Machine-Readable Cataloging)

The original American version of MARC became known as USMARC in the 1980s; there was also a separate Canadian version with minor differences called CAN/MARC. After making minor changes to both formats, the USMARC and CAN/MARC specifications were merged in 1997 to create MARC 21, the name intended to reflect the 21st century.


Text or codes added to a document to convey information about it. Usually used to formulate a document's layout or create links to other documents or information servers. HTML is a common form of markup.

MB (megabyte)

1,048,576 bytes, often generically applied to 1,000,000 bytes as well.

Mbps (megabits per second)

A measurement of data transmission speed in a communication system; the number of megabits transmitted or received each second.

Med Loan

Used in Library Catalogue records to indicate Medium Loan books, which can be borrowed for 1 week.


Any format for information storage that requires special listening or viewing equipment: i.e., microfilm, microfiche, videotape, CD-ROMs.


A career development process in which less experienced workers are matched with more experienced colleagues for guidance. Mentoring can occur either through formal programs or informally as required and may be delivered in-person or by using various media.


Choices and commands that are displayed on the computer screen and can be selected by the user.

MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)

A system of subject headings related to the medical fields.


Information about content that enables it to be stored in and retrieved from a database.


An HTML tag identifying the contents of a Website. Information commonly found in the metatag includes copyright info, key words for search engines, and formatting descriptions of the page.


A type of microform where the images are stored on flat sheets of film. Magazines and journals often are stored on microfiche.


A type of microform where the images are stored on rolls of film. Newspapers are often stored on microfilm.


A reduced sized photographic reproduction of printed information on reel to reel film(microfilm) or film cards (microfiche) or opaque pages that can be read with a microform reader/printer.


A method of storing documents that involves photographing the items and reducing the size of the image. This reduces the amount of storage space needed, and is often used for items that have become fragile or are too bulky to store in paper format.

Microform and Media Room

Where any media that is held in the Main Library will be found.


Electromagnetic waves that travel in a straight line and are used to and from satellites and for short distances up to 30 miles.


A device that enables computers to interact with each other via telephone lines by converting digital signals to analog for transmitting and back to digital for receiving.


E-learning that's made up of standardized units that can be separated from each other and rearranged or reused.


A scholarly book on a single subject, class of subjects, or person. Within the library field, this term is often used for any non-serial publication. A more specific definition is a lengthy work on a particular subject or person, detailed in treatment and often containing bibliographies. Literally means a single written item, and often used to mean a book.

MOO (MUD, object oriented)

A MUD created with an object-oriented programming language.


A format for music file compression that enables users to download music over the Internet.

MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)

1) A high-quality video file format that uses compression to keep file sizes relatively small. 2) The subgroup of the International Organization for Standardization responsible for setting the standards for this format.

MUD (multi-user dimension or multi-user domain)

A simulated virtual world in which users interact with each other, often by taking on character identities called avatars. Originally created for game-playing, MUDs are growing in popularity for online learning and virtual community-building.


The transmission of information to more than one recipient. For example, sending an email message to a list of people. Teleconferencing and videoconferencing can also use multicasting. See also broadcasting and unicasting.


Encompasses interactive text, images, sound, and color. Multimedia can be anything from a simple PowerPoint slide slow to a complex interactive simulation.

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